I asked my wife for suggestions on our next destination for the Family Travels series. "Australia" was her answer. We have some relatives and friends living there and it was also where we took our pre-wedding photos with the help of my brother. However, I was struggling to come out with an iconic representation of the place other than the Sydney Opera House and Harbor Bridge. And then I remembered the Great Barrier Reef. The recent attention on climate change has reminded us of how much we have damaged our planet. Reports have also surfaced on how the Great Barrier Reef was affected by this global phenomenon. I decided that I wanted to do a piece on one of the world's eight wonders. When visualizing the image in my head, I was suddenly reminded of a piece of concept art I did for Mekazoo years ago. It involved the frog character diving into an underwater cave. While the concept was not realized in the final version of the game due to technical limitations (we didn't want to do water), the "underwater" theme survived in the form of an indoor aquarium in level 4-2 and the final post-credit scene where the evil meka-eye sank into the depths of the ocean. In fact, we were toying with the idea of the sequel to Mekazoo being mostly underwater. A Mekaquarium. Alas, history is history and the game did not come to be. But I wanted to pay homage to all that dreaming and incorporated the post credits scene in the illustration above.
Besides the post-credit scene, the saturated color palette of the game also inspired the vibrant chromatic display of the final illustration.
I'm still alive! This has got to be the longest break between posts since the creation of this blog. Truth is, I have been caught up with parenting for the most part. And since I usually blog on the computer (yeah, I'm old school like that), I have been neglecting this site despite producing some new works of art. I'm going to do a little bit of a dump in the next couple of days so do watch this space. In the meantime, you should follow me on Instagram to get my latest. In this post, I will share with you a new series I am creating called "Family Travels". It basically chronicles the fictitious adventures of my family in a cartoony style that I started exploring late last year. I look forward to continue more of these next year.
April 2023