Hi all, after 5 years of teaching I have finally decided to start a serious side project.
The truth is that I'm feeling a little rusty and also secretly jealous of all the awesome artworks that my students have been producing. I don't want to go down without a fight! If you are interested to find out more about the developments, please follow the account I set up for this project https://www.instagram.com/winkscollective/ https://twitter.com/winkscollective 请多多指教!
The following batch of artworks were created for educational purposes. This illustration and animated video was created for a demo for the Illustration & Motion Comics class. The characters and environment were designed by another group of students for a different project. This character was designed for an Illustrator demo. It had been awhile since I used Illustrator prior to this. Quite impressed with the new features! Not Your Playground was a fake game premise I cooked up for my students to animate for their Game Animation assignment. It was supposed to be a 2D fighting game where characters representing different music genres battle it out. Also created a crossover fanart for fun (since it fit the theme and style of this game): Listen to the curated playlist here: Hello and seasons greetings! How's ye 2017 coming along? As the year draws to a close, I will be doing some tidying up of my account. This means clearing some old artwork from my featured gallery. I will also dump some art I have done this year that I haven't posted here. 2017 has been an incredible year for me. I got married, started a new job and traveled to the UK, Italy and Japan for the first time. I hope 2018 will be a more productive year. As always, you can find me on the following platforms: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jasonwang7/ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAD5AGepsZ8AYkcXJ47_TAQ DeviantART - https://jasonwang7.deviantart.com/ ArtStation - https://www.artstation.com/jasonwang7 Twitter - https://twitter.com/jasonwang7 Tumblr - http://jasonwang7art.tumblr.com/ Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/jasonwang7 Art print and sleeves I did for Whalerabbit's Dualle - Dravokki Comic I did to promote Mitoy's Frank! Concept art I did for NEO Impossible Bosses, coming out early year (click to view full image). The Last Jedi sketches
April 2023