Blizzard's artists have a knack of creating extremely cute Murlocs. We had Tinyfin and now with Vilefin, you have the ability to summon adorable Silver Hand Murlocs to fight for your board! And so for my first painting after the launch of WotOG, I knew I had to paint Vilefin and his army. Speaking of which, how are you guys faring in the new expansion? I tried building a Paladin Divine Shield deck with Steward of Darkshire but it hasn't been working out. I've reverted back to the old Zoolock deck for laddering and quest clearing and I must say, Darkshire Councilman is massively OP. Another deck that interest me is Tempo Warrior, but I'll have to play more games with it to say for sure. Revamping the site has been a task I've been putting off for quite some time. Having returned to Singapore and experience a sense of new-ness around me, I decided that it's time for me to introduce some changes to this 4 year-old site (wow how time flies!).
The first thing you'll notice is how the blog has become the landing page for the site. I usually only update the blog and therefore it is the most relevant page for anyone interested in my artwork. I removed the subsections of my portfolio and grouped everything into one link entitled "Art". This page contains a simple ArtStation/Instagram-styled gallery with no text attached. If you just want to look at the finished artwork without all this banter, this is the place for you. I completely removed the 3D subsection off the site. It was a hard decision for me, but I think I'm primarily interested to focus on the development of my 2D art skills in the near future. Finally, I moved my personal information and links to my other social platform sites to the "About" section. The URLs are listed according to the frequency I check them. So if you wish to contact me, head over to that section. (Note: Email is still the fastest way to reach me. No spam please.) Coming back to the blog, I do have a few ideas on how to improve the quality of my content for the future. I have drastically cut down the text count in my blog posts recently, partially due to my on-going exploration with the YouTube video platform. I wish to write lengthier posts to accompany each publication of my artwork from now on. This will provide additional insight to my workflow/motivations behind each piece of painting. With regards to the type of content, I am thinking of slowing down the production of Hearthstone fanart (or any fanart for that matter) in favour of devoting some time for personal artwork. I'm thinking of a ratio along the lines of 2 fanart to 1 original art, but more confirmation of that on a later date.
April 2023